《揭秘深处》是一款由lazy monday games开发的冒险解谜游戏。黑暗笼罩下的神秘世界到底蕴藏着怎样的秘密呢?试想一下,在一望无际的海洋里埋藏着许多未知的秘密,渴望解开这些秘密的勇士来到了揭秘深处的世界。
Reveal The Deep is a short exploration game set in the wreck of a 19th century steamship. Navigate through expansive levels, uncovering the stories of the ship's demise and it's passengers. Keep your nerve, your wits about you, and prepare to reveal the secrets of the deep.
There is a heavy focus on piecing together the story of the ship's past, through a variety of notes and clues.
Hidden Mysteries
Explore expansive levels, permeated by myth, mystery, and a touch of the otherworldly.